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Chhabi Govind

爆头- Chhabi Govind

Chhabi Govind

实验室位置:334 MSC
Lab phone: (248) 370-4905


BIO 3232生物化学1
BIO 3233 Biochemistry Lab
BIO 5256 Advanced Topics in Cellular Biochemistry and Metabolism


National Institutes of Health

Regulation of Chromatin Structure During Transcription.

The packaging of eukaryotic DNA into nucleosomes, the basic unit of chromatin, plays a central role in regulating all DNA dependent processes. Nucleosomes are composed of DNA wrapped around an octamer of histone proteins– H3, H4, H2A and H2B. We are interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms that govern the dynamic alterations of chromatin structure during transcription. Several multi-protein complexes, including histone modifying and ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes, are utilized by cells to alter or even remove nucleosomes to facilitate transcription. The current focus of our research is on understanding the importance of co-transcriptional histone acetylation in modulating chromatin plasticity during RNA polymerase elongation. We showed that hyperacetylated histones are evicted from coding sequences during RNA polymerase elongation. Through the use of yeast genetics in the model organism 酿酒酵母, and biochemistry and molecular biology techniques, we are investigating whether acetylation dependent histone eviction is mediated by the recruitment and function of RSC, an essential chromatin remodeling complex known to bind acetylated histones and to remodel chromatin by evicting histones.


Chhabi Govind NCBI My Bibliography

邱海,E. Biernat * C.K. Govind Y. 拉瓦尔大声回答,R.V. Chereji D.J. 克拉克和A.G.Hinnebusch. (2020). Chromatin remodeler Ino80C acts independently of H2A.Z to evict promoter nucleosomes and stimulate transcription of highly expressed genes in yeast. 核酸研究 48(15):8408-8430. DOI: 10.1093 / nar / gkaa571.

Biernat * E., J. Kinney, K. Dulap * C. 选C.K. Govind (2020). The RSC complex remodels nucleosomes in transcribed coding sequences and promotes transcription in 酿酒酵母. 

帕沙克,R., P. 辛格,年代. Ananthakrishnan *,年代. 阿,Adamczyk. Schimmel和C.K. Govind. (2018). Acetylation-dependent recruitment of the FACT complex and its role in regulating Pol II occupancy genome-wide in 酿酒酵母遗传学 209(3): 743-756. DOI: 10.1534 /遗传学.118.300943.

拉瓦尔大声回答,Y., R.V. Chereji H. 秋,年代. Ananthakrishnan * C.K. Govind D.J. 克拉克和A.G. Hinnebusch. (2018). SWI/SNF and RSC cooperate to reposition and evict promoter nucleosomes at highly expressed genes in yeast. 基因 & 发展 32(9-10): 695-710. DOI: 10.1101 /迦得.312850.118.

琼斯*,J.W., P. 辛格和戈文德,C.K. (2016). 招聘 酿酒酵母 Cmr1/Ydl156w to coding regions promotes transcription genome wide. 《十大菠菜台子》 11(2):  e0148897. DOI: 10.1371 /杂志.玉米饼.0148897.

Burugula * B.B., C. Jeronimo R. 帕沙克,J.W. 琼斯* F. 罗伯特和C.K. Govind. (2014). Histone deacetylases and phosphorylated polymerase II C-terminal domain recruit Spt6 for cotranscriptional histone reassembly. 分子细胞生物学  34(22):  4115-4129. DOI: 10.1128 / MCB.00695-14.

西班牙*,米.M., S.A. 安萨里,R. 帕沙克,M.J. 帕伦博,R.H. 莫尔斯和C.K. Govind. (2014). The RSC complex localizes to coding sequences to regulate Pol II and histone occupancy. 分子细胞 56(5): 653-666. DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2014.10.002.

Govind C.K., H. 秋,D.S. 金斯伯格,C. 阮K. Hofmeyer C. 胡,V. Swaminathan, J.L. 工人,B. 李和A.G. Hinnebusch. (2010). Phosphorylated Pol II CTD recruits multiple HDACs, 包括Rpd3C(年代), for methylation-dependent deacetylation of ORF nucleosomes. 分子细胞 39(2): 234-246. DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2010.07.003.

Pascual-Garcia P., C.K. Govind E. Queralt B. Cuenca-Bono,. Llopis,年代. 查韦斯,.G. Hinnebusch和S. Rodriguez-Navarro. (2008). Sus1 is recruited to coding regions and functions during transcription elongation in association with SAGA and TREX2. 基因 & 发展 22(20): 2811-2822. DOI: 10.1101 /迦得.483308.

Govind C.K., F. 张,H. 秋,K. 霍夫迈耶和A.G. Hinnebusch. (2007). Gcn5 promotes acetylation, eviction, and methylation of nucleosomes in transcribed coding regions. 分子细胞 25(1): 31-42. DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2006.11.020.

Department of 生物科学

(248) 370-3550